I provide editorial services for academic and educational publishers, professional bodies and charitable organisations. I specialise in STEM resources.
Project Manage
I manage all or part of the publishing process, from concept to camera-ready copy. I assemble great teams of associates and freelancers and create manageable working schedules.
Edit & Proof
I work as an editor, proof reader or both. I check the flow of text, identify gaps in content and ensure there’s a consistent structure. I also write succinct and catchy copy.
Design & Draw
I design and layout pages with thought and creativity while adhering to style guides. I research photos, brief illustrators, or draw diagrams myself.

About me
I am Mark Gadd. I have a range of resource creation and publishing skills – I can manage, develop, design, write, edit, research and typeset. I’m happy to get involved at any stage, from concept through to camera-ready copy.
I have helped create countless resources, including textbooks and revision guides, digital content and websites, classroom activities, lesson plans, schemes of work, workshops and activities for events. Some were self-published under the 4science brand, others were managed on behalf of publishers and other clients.
I live in Brighton with my wife, Ellie, and our two kids, Oscar and Albert, and work in a friendly shared-office with views towards the sea.
I have an extensive list of associates and freelancers to help with larger projects, including authors, editors, proof readers, designers and web builders.
My dad, Ken, was the owner of 4science. Now retired after 40-odd years working in education, he still provides me with curriculum and technical advice.
A selection of projects and organisations I have worked with.
A few nice words from some of my clients…
For around 20 years, 4science created educational resources, and provided consultancy and training. As the focus has shifted to resource creation for publishers, 4science has gradually morphed to become EditorialMark.

43 Hollingbury Rise | Brighton | BN1 7HH | 01273 930203 | hello@editorialmark.com